

Serious issues that may accompany neck pain

Neck pain can have many causes. You’ve probably experienced it when you slept awkwardly and woke up unable to even turn your head to the side. That type of pain tends to fade after a day or two. However, it can be far more serious, especially if you’re involved in a traumatic incident in the…


Young workers, falls and spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries change lives. People may never fully recover. It’s more than just long-term back pain. They may lose motor function entirely. They could face short-term or long-term paralysis. Even with prompt medical treatment, severe injuries may never heal. Preventing all on-the-job injuries is impossible, but it can help to understand who faces the…


Most common reasons workers get injured on the job

Getting injured on the job is more common than you may think, and injuries occur in more workplace environments than you would expect. A new study by Pinnacol, a leading workers’ compensation insurance provider, examines five years of data regarding workers’ compensation claims in Colorado. Back strain common among multiple professions According to the Sterling…


Diagnosing a spinal cord injury

A work-related fall or motor vehicle accident can result in a devastating spinal cord injury. This is why emergency responders take such care when they prepare to move someone they suspect has suffered such an injury. This procedure typically includes the use of a backboard or neck brace, as well as other techniques for transporting…


Recovering from an incomplete spinal cord injury

In many ways, a person with an “incomplete” spinal cord injury has it much better than someone with a “complete” (paralyzing) spinal cord injury. With an incomplete spinal cord injury, you may still be able to walk and have more sensation, better sexual function, and better bladder and bowel control. However, you still face many…


What is an incomplete spinal cord injury?

Catastrophic injury specialists make a distinction between “incomplete” spinal cord injuries and “complete” spinal cord injuries. When a person suffers an incomplete injury to the spine, he or she is not fully paralyzed and can still feel some sensation below the point of the injury. In contrast, a complete spinal cord injury means full paralysis….

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