When you are dealing with an insurance company after a work accident, your point of contact is often an insurance adjuster. This adjuster’s goal is not to help you. He or she is looking out for the insurance company’s bottom line. When working with an adjuster, it is important to have the help of a lawyer who can protect your interests and stand up for your rights at every turn.
Has an adjuster contacted you? Contact attorney Cliff Eley for experienced representation in Colorado. Call 303-785-2828 or email us for a free case evaluation.
An insurance adjuster, sometimes referred to as a claims adjuster, is a claims investigator who is employed by the insurance company. In the case of workers’ compensation, the insurance adjuster is employed by your employer’s workers’ comp insurance company.
An adjuster is an investigator who will work to determine whether the injury falls within the scope of the employee’s work and whether the injury is covered under the insurance policy. If the injury is covered, he or she will determine the costs associated with the work injury. An adjuster also negotiates the claim and has the power to settle or deny any claims.
The workers’ comp insurance adjuster represents the insurance company he or she works for and also your employer. This individual does not represent you and does not always have your best interests in mind. An adjuster’s goal is to minimize his or her employer’s liability. This means that an adjuster is incentivized to pay as little as possible on your claim.
An insurance adjuster is not your friend and he or she does not represent your best interests. The adjuster is simply doing his or her job. It is your attorney’s job to stand up for your rights and protect your interests when negotiating with the adjuster.
Since workers’ compensation can be a complex area, it is best to have an attorney negotiate on your behalf. A lawyer can act as your advocate and ensure you receive the full and fair coverage you need after an on-the-job accident.
However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself immediately after the injury. Most importantly, be sure to document everything. Record any memories of the events that led to your injury and, if possible, take photos. While liability is not an issue in workers’ compensation cases, workers’ comp only covers injuries that occur while you are at work. If there is a question regarding whether the injury happened during the scope of your job, the record can help protect you and provide your attorney with the evidence needed to fight a denial of benefits.
Speak with attorney Cliff Eley about your workers’ compensation claim. He can provide you with the information and insight you need into the process, including how to handle insurance adjusters. Call 303-785-2828 or email us to discuss your case. Your first consultation is free of charge.