
Common construction site hazards and injuries

Construction sites are a common source of injuries that lead to workers’ compensation claims in Colorado. Although the focus on construction safety is on the rise, many construction workers are still exposed to certain hazards, which include the following.


As a construction worker, you have to use ladders, cranes, scaffolding and other similar forms of equipment often or from time to time. It is easy to slip and fall from heights while using them, especially if the ground is uneven. Improper mounting, poor-quality equipment and improper use of the equipment are other common reasons why workers fall and experience injuries at construction sites.


Construction projects often require electricity and electrical equipment to go smoothly. That’s why it’s not uncommon to find wires running across floors and walls of buildings under construction. However, wires and other electrical components are a hazard because they have the likelihood of causing electrocution to workers, leading to burns, nerve damage, cardiac arrest or similar complications.

Falling materials or tools

As a construction worker, you also risk getting struck by falling objects like construction tools and loose materials, such as rocks. Unfortunately, it’s common to find even highly trained employees filing workers’ compensation claims after getting injured by falling objects because they’re not always easy to avoid or dodge. It’s important to always wear protective gear, such as hard hats, to minimize the risk.

Getting caught between objects

During the construction of a building, there are different objects that can trap a person, leading to serious injuries. For instance, as a worker, it’s possible to get trapped in between a vehicle and a wall. It’s also possible for one or more of your limbs to get pulled into a running machine or to find yourself stuck under debris after a collapse of materials. This hazard can lead to fractures, internal bleeding and head trauma.

There are many other forms of injuries that you can experience as a construction worker. The key to avoiding them is staying focused on your environment, having the proper protective equipment and making sure you receive the right training.

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