

Workplace Safety Measures for Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers tirelessly dedicate themselves to caring for others, often putting their own health and safety at risk. From an increased risk for infection and overexertion injuries to workplace violence, this field can be dangerous, and implementing effective workplace safety measures is crucial for their well-being. If you are a healthcare worker who has experienced…


Workers who suffer PTSD may be eligible for workers’ compensation

When you think of an employee dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the first occupations that often come to mind are EMT, police officer or firefighter. Trauma, however, can occur in any occupation. It was that realization that led to a newly expanded bill to protect many Colorado workers. In April of 2017, Colorado Governor,…


Diseases like mesothelioma require long-term medical treatment

Colorado workers in various industries might not realize that they could be exposed to asbestos, even though the Environmental Protection Agency has placed severe restrictions on products containing this dangerous mineral substance. Asbestosis and mesothelioma are workplace illnesses that typically require long-term medical treatment. If not diagnosed and treated, it could cause death. Construction work…


Injured workers: What are the causes of workplace illnesses?

Although Colorado workers in various industries are frequently exposed to workplace injury hazards, not all consequences are physical injuries. Injured workers can suffer the consequences of exposure to workplace illness threats that may not be immediately recognized as occupational. Exposure to extreme weather conditions can cause heat or cold-related illnesses, and workers in some occupations…


Airline crews at greater risk for developing melanoma

Airline pilots and cabin crew members are consistently exposed to higher levels of ultraviolet radiation than the general population. This could explain why they face a significantly higher risk for developing melanoma. A comprehensive review of 19 study records involving more than 250,000 participants found that pilots and air crew have “twice the incidence of…


Exposure to diacetyl endangers coffee roasters

The smell of roasting coffee is one of the things that draw people to artisanal coffee shops. People who live or work around large-scale coffee roasting operations also enjoy this smell as they are out and about. But a hidden chemical in that aroma present a significant risk to people who work in and around…

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